Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Random Gaming Thought Bubbles

Nothing rattling around in my head today is substantial enough to generate a whole post on its own, so here's a bunch of thought bubbles.

* This Sunday my good buddy Masakari ran a heavily modified GURPS one-shot set in the Anime Witchblade 'verse. Very cool. His home-brewed GURPS refit looks very unlike GURPS on the surface, but is very similar "under the hood". Would make for a very sweet rules-light RPG if some of the skills, ads/disads, and weapons stats were de-GURPS-ified a little more to keep SJ & co. a little happier. All in all, very sweet.

* Work on the T&B RPG trudges onward. Every time I think I'm closing in on "wrapping up", something else that should be included pops into my mind. At some point I'm going to need a small cadre of readers to go over the working draft and give me some feedback. If there's anyone out there who's interested, you can drop me an e-mail (address is under my profile heading).

* I've been scribbling notes to myself on a few of the Campaign Starters I want to write once the core game is out of the gate. Right now I've got five in mind:

- Masters of Honor and Death (martial arts, samurai, ninjas, and all that goodness)

- Tales of Blood and Iron (the marauding chaos of post-Roman Europe, 400-800 AD)

- Battles of Grapeshot and Grognards (title needs work, globe-spanning adventure gaming during the Napoleonic Wars)

- Legends of Legions and Arenas (title also needs major work, gaming during the Roman Empire)

- Warriors of Fortune and Plunder (mercenary campaigning set around the early Renaissance)

I want to include one of them with the core rules, but picking which one is giving me headaches. Any suggestions?

* My good friend Darkwing has been pushing me to start putting more of my wargaming and RPGing miniatures conversion and painting on here. I've got some miniatures projects wrapping up, and more of them beginning soon. Some photos of my minis and my not-that-fantastic paintjobs may make their way here in the not too distant future.

* To anyone in the Boston area, on Monday, August 3rd, the Coolidge Corner Theater is showing Kill Bill vol. I. This movie gives me all kinds of warm fuzzies (it's one of the inspirations for Masters of Honor and Death). Oddly enough I just watched this movie maybe a month ago, but I've got no problem seeing it again. Maybe it was the four years of film school, but I am a firm believer in the big-screen movie theater tradition; there are some films that simply have to be watched in a full-blown movie theater in order to be fully appreciated (Conan the Barbarian is definitely one of these - seeing that at two Midnight screenings in a row was practically a life-changing experience).

Anyhow, that's it for now. Hopefully I'll be getting back to a more regular posting schedule shortly.


Ragnorakk said...

I can't wait for G & G!

Ragnorakk said...

sometimes i'm dumb - i could not find the email address on your page here...

Jack Badelaire said...

I think I know why - you need to click on my name to get to the profile, but there's no profile listing on the main blog page...I'll be fixing that right now (but you can click on my name link for this comment).

Timeshadows said...

I'd like to see KB in the theatre again.
--Friendly envy.

I'll trade you: UWoM play-testing for T&B testing.

Sturat said...

For G&G
In the Napoleonic era the French used to refer to the British as the Goddamneds. I believe it may have had something to do with their not be Catholic.

You could replace the Galleons with that, as Galleons were an earlier era of ship.

Jack Badelaire said...


The counter-insult would be "Crapauds", but I'm not entirely certain I want to call the Starter "Crapauds and Goddamns"

But you're right about the Galleons - I should probably go back to "Grapeshot and Grognards". Either way, they're all still working titles.

There'll be more posts in the future on this idea, never fear.

Mike D. said...

Email sent! Would love to play-test.

Darkwing said...

" My good friend Darkwing has been pushing me to start putting more of my wargaming and RPGing miniatures conversion and painting on here. I've got some miniatures projects wrapping up, and more of them beginning soon. Some photos of my minis and my not-that-fantastic paintjobs may make their way here in the not too distant future."

Do it! Do it! You've been limiting yourself to keep your blog so narrow. There's more gaming stuff you could be putting up, but you haven't because it's not directly related to T&B the RPG. You've put up reviews and commentary on recent movies, etc., miniatures-related stuff is no different.

satyre said...

Vote for Masters of Honor and Death here - but then I just watched the trailer for Ong Bak 2...