Monday, March 23, 2009

"Adventure Map" From My Latest Campaign Session

So the second-newest player in my Castles & Crusades campaign (the newest just joined on Saturday) found himself drawing an "adventure map" for the session since they were underground, but he wasn't bothering with drawing a true "dungeon map". By the end of the evening, when we were all having dinner and chilling out, we were passing this around and we thought it was hilarious.

This is a guy who's playing his second session of gaming, and the creativity and enthusiasm were just spectacular. His character sheet is the other side of this page, so I'm planning on making up a new proper PC sheet for him, then giving him a nice sketch pad to keep working with. I've never been a huge fan of having a "game chronicler" - some groups do it, some take it too far (my ill-fated Harnmaster experience being a prime example of this taken to the extreme), but I think this is a fun and at least semi-original way to do it - a campaign mosaic or tapestry of sorts.

Anyhow, here it is. Sorry about the image quality - it was originally drawn on a yellow lined notepad, so there had to be some messing with in Photoshop.

You can click the picture for a larger version.

Many thanks to Lothar Schadenfreude for letting me share this.


Secular Transhumanist said...

That is so full of awesome it's difficult to describe. I wish I had players like that in my group!

radio one said...

Hell, I just wish I had some of the drawing talent. Honestly, though it cool to see things like this.

nanobri said...

Looks like it was a fun adventure. :)

KenHR said...

Wow. That's every shade of awesome under the sun.

Mark Thomas said...

You are now required to post the stats for the "poop squid".

That's seriously full of greatness.

Jack Badelaire said...

The "poop squid" is an Otyugh. The player, having no idea what it was or what I was saying when I said "Otyugh", just labeled it a "poop squid" because I described it as a three-legged squid-thing with tentacles and a giant maw that lived on cave garbage and was "essentially a squid that lived in its own crap".

The flamingo fight is a whole other story...

Ragnorakk said...

The poopsquid!
The poopsquid!!

Jeff Rients said...

Man, if a player in one my games drew that I'd have it framed and put on a wall.

taichara said...

That's bloody awesome, I have to say X3

Kent said...

There is something primal about those sketches. Worthy of being framed. You must post again if you get another from him.

brandykruse said...

