Subject line pretty much says it all. I'm about halfway through a thriller / revenge / action novel that I've been working on for about six months now, and I'm at the point where, if I can get in roughly 500-1000 words a day for the next two months, I can finish the first draft.
Since I've pretty much been living and breathing action and pulp novels and movies this whole period of time, I have really set gaming aside and focused on the task at hand. Many apologies to my readers, but I've been able to spread my creative energy only so thin, and the T&B has had to take a back seat to the novel.
And for the record, it's not sci-fi, it's not fantasy, it's not horror, and it has no connection to any RPG or RPG setting I've ever come in contact with. Congratulations to me for not utterly ignoring my own advice regarding writing and RPGs!
I'll still resurface now and then, but for now, the Tavern is Closed for Renovations.
Hey Jack. Wishing you well on your writing. Stop by sometime and let me know how you're doing.
Good job and keep up the great work. Get that book done.
Good luck with the novel writing. See you on the other side!
Welcome to the land of novel writing?
I'll forgive you the jab about writing fantasy ;3
Best of vibes ~
Good luck with the book and see you when we see you.
Thanks for the support everyone. I am terrible at my follow-through on writing fiction, but this one has a shot and actually reaching "The End". So, I've got to give it my all.
Give it your all. That's the proper way!
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